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All view components, including view, swiper, etc., do not display any visual elements themselves. Their purpose is to wrap other components that are actually displayed.

# view

View container.

Similar to div in traditional html, it is used to wrap various element contents.

Attribute description

Attribute name Type Defaults Instruction
hover-class String none Specify the style class after pressing. For hover-class="none", there is no effect of click state
hover-start-time Number 50 How long does the click state appear after pressing, in milliseconds
hover-stay-time Number 400 Retention time of the click state after finger release, in milliseconds
<!-- This example does not include the complete css, please refer to the above to obtain the external css. -->
        <view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt">
            <view class="uni-title uni-common-mt">
                flex-direction: row
            <view class="uni-flex uni-row">
                <view class="flex-item uni-bg-red">A</view>
                <view class="flex-item uni-bg-green">B</view>
                <view class="flex-item uni-bg-blue">C</view>
            <view class="uni-title uni-common-mt">
                flex-direction: column
            <view class="uni-flex uni-column">
                <view class="flex-item flex-item-V uni-bg-red">A</view>
                <view class="flex-item flex-item-V uni-bg-green">B</view>
                <view class="flex-item flex-item-V uni-bg-blue">C</view>
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