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# scroll-view

Scrollable view area. Used for zone scrolling.

Please note that in the page rendered by webview, the performance of area scrolling is not superior to page scrolling.

Attribute description

Attribute name Type Defaults Instruction
scroll-x Boolean false Horizontal scrolling is allowed
scroll-y Boolean false Vertical scrolling is allowed
upper-threshold Number/String 50 How far from the top/left (unit px), trigger the scrolltoupper event
lower-threshold Number/String 50 How far from the bottom/right (unit px), the scrolltolower event is triggered
scroll-top Number/String Set vertical scroll bar position
scroll-left Number/String Set horizontal scroll bar position
scroll-into-view String The value should be a child element id (id cannot start with a number). If the scrollable direction is set, it scrolls to the element in that direction
scroll-with-animation Boolean false Use animation to transition when setting scroll bar location
show-scrollbar Boolean false
refresher-enabled Boolean false
refresher-enabled Boolean false Enable custom pull-down refresh
refresher-threshold Number 45 Set custom pull-down refresh threshold
refresher-default-style String "black" Set the default style of custom pull-down refresh, support setting black, white, none, none means not to use the default style H5, app-vue 2.5.12+, WeChat applet basics Libraries 2.10.1+
refresher-background String "#FFF" Set the background color of the custom pull-down refresh area
refresher-triggered Boolean false Set the current pull-down refresh status, true means pull-down refresh has been triggered, false means pull-down refresh has not been triggered
@scrolltoupper EventHandle Scrolling to the top/left will trigger scrolltoupper event
@scrolltolower EventHandle Scrolling to the bottom/right will trigger scrolltolower event
@scroll EventHandle Triggered when scrolling, event.detail = {scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, deltaX, deltaY}
@refresherpulling EventHandle The custom pull-down refresh control is pulled down
@refresherrefresh EventHandle
@refresherrefresh EventHandle Custom pull-down refresh is triggered
@refresherrestore EventHandle Custom pull-down refresh is reset
@refresherabort EventHandle Custom pull-down refresh is aborted

When using vertical scrolling, you need to give <scroll-view> a fixed height and set the height through css; When using horizontal scrolling, you need to add the style of white-space: nowrap; to <scroll-view>.




<!-- This example does not include the complete css, please refer to the above to obtain the external css. View it in the hello Mini App project -->
		<view class="uni-padding-wrap uni-common-mt">
			<view class="uni-title uni-common-mt">
				Vertical Scroll
				<scroll-view :scroll-top="scrollTop" scroll-y="true" class="scroll-Y" @scrolltoupper="upper"
					@scrolltolower="lower" @scroll="scroll">
					<view id="demo1" class="scroll-view-item uni-bg-red">A</view>
					<view id="demo2" class="scroll-view-item uni-bg-green">B</view>
					<view id="demo3" class="scroll-view-item uni-bg-blue">C</view>
			<view @tap="goTop" class="uni-link uni-center uni-common-mt">
			<view class="uni-title uni-common-mt">
				Horizontal Scroll
				<scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" scroll-x="true" @scroll="scroll" scroll-left="120">
					<view id="demo1" class="scroll-view-item_H uni-bg-red">A</view>
					<view id="demo2" class="scroll-view-item_H uni-bg-green">B</view>
					<view id="demo3" class="scroll-view-item_H uni-bg-blue">C</view>
			<view class="uni-common-pb"></view>

# Custom pull down to refresh

Note that the performance of custom pull-down refresh is not superior to the native pull-down refresh configured in pages.json.



        <scroll-view style="height: 300px;" scroll-y="true" refresher-enabled="true" :refresher-triggered="triggered"
            :refresher-threshold="100" refresher-background="lightgreen" @refresherpulling="onPulling"
            @refresherrefresh="onRefresh" @refresherrestore="onRestore" @refresherabort="onAbort"></scroll-view>


  • Do not use native components such as map and video in scroll-view.
  • scroll-view is not suitable for long lists, or otherwise perlistance problems would occur. Long list scrolling and pull-down refreshing should be realized by using native navigation bar with page-level scrolling and pull-down refreshing. Long list should use list instead of scroll-view even on app-nvue pages.
  • scroll-into-view has a higher priority than scroll-top.
  • scroll-view runs in area scrolling, which will not trigger page scrolling, and cannot trigger the pull-down refresh configured by pages.json, onReachBottomDistance, and the transparent gradient of titleNView.
  • Scroll bar settings of scroll-view can be customized by -webkit-scrollbar of css, including hiding scroll bar.
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