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# canvas


Attribute description

property name type default value description
canvas-id String Unique identifier for the canvas component
disable-scroll Boolean false When moving in the canvas and there is a bound gesture event, screen scrolling and pull-down refresh are prohibited ByteDance applet and Feishu applet are not supported
hidpi Boolean true Enable HD processing H5 (HBuilder X 3.4.0+), App-vue (HBuilder X 3.4.0+)
@longtap EventHandle Triggered after a finger long press for 500ms, moving after the long press event is triggered will not trigger the scrolling of the screen ByteDance applet and Feishu applet are not supported
@error EventHandle The error event is triggered when an error occurs, detail = {errMsg: 'something wrong'} ByteDance applet and Feishu applet are not supported


  • The default width of the canvas tag is 300px and the height is 225px. It needs to be redrawn after dynamically modifying the canvas size.
  • The single oversized canvas in h5 and app-vue cannot be drawn in iOS/Safari (the specific size limit has not been announced).
  • The canvas-id in the same page cannot be duplicated. If you use a canvas-id that has already appeared, the canvas corresponding to the canvas label will be hidden and will no longer work normally.
  • The canvas in app-vue is still the canvas of webview. To use canvas under app-nvue, you need to download the plugin. See the bottom chapter of the documentation for details.



		<canvas style="width: 300px; height: 200px;" canvas-id="firstCanvas" id="firstCanvas"></canvas>
		<canvas style="width: 400px; height: 500px;" canvas-id="secondCanvas" id="secondCanvas"></canvas>
		<canvas style="width: 400px; height: 500px;" canvas-id="secondCanvas" id="secondCanvas" @error="canvasIdErrorCallback"></canvas>

Related api: uni.createCanvasContext

About chart

  • If we only consider H5 side, we can continue to use conventional web charts such as echart and f2.
About Neuxnet: Neuxnet Website
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