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The manifest.json file is the configuration file of the application, which is used to specify the name, icon, permission and so on of the application.

# List of configuration items

Attribute Type Default
name String application name
appid String When creating a new Mini App project App ID
description String Application description
locale String auto Set the current default language. Refer to locale
versionName String version name, e.g.: 1.0.0. See Tips description below for details
versionCode String version number, e.g.: 36
transformPx Boolean true Whether to transform the px of the item, when true, convert px to rpx, when false, px is the traditional actual pixel. The default value is true for compatible historical projects, but it is not recommended to enable this configuration for new projects (the new project template is generally configured to be false)
networkTimeout Object Network timeout, see details

# networkTimeout

Timeout required by all kinds of network, in milliseconds.

Attribute Type Required Defaults Instruction
request Number No 60000 uni.request timeout, in milliseconds.
connectSocket Number No 60000 uni.connectSocket timeout, in milliseconds.
uploadFile Number No 60000 uni.uploadFile timeout, in milliseconds.
downloadFile Number No 60000 uni.downloadFile timeout, in milliseconds.
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