is the main component of Mini App. All pages are switched under App.vue
, which is the page entry file. But App.vue
itself is not a page, you can't write view elements here, that is, there is no <template>
The functions of this file include: calling application life cycle function, configuring global style, and configuring global storage globalData
The application life cycle can only be listened to in App.vue
, and listening to on the page is invalid.
Mini App
supports the following application life cycle functions:
Function name | Instruction |
onLaunch | Triggerred when the initialization of Mini App is completed (only triggered once globally) |
onShow | Displayed when Mini App starts or enters the foreground from the background |
onHide | When Mini App enters the background from the foreground |
onError | Triggered when Mini App reports an error |
onUniNViewMessage | To monitor the data sent by the nvue page |
onUnhandledRejection | Listening function for unprocessed Promise reject events (2.8.1+) |
onPageNotFound | The listener function does not exist on the page |
onThemeChange | listen to system theme changes |
Sample code
// Only monitor the application life cycle in App.vue
export default {
onLaunch: function() {
console.log('App Launch')
onShow: function() {
console.log('App Show')
onHide: function() {
console.log('App Hide')
, and listening on other pages is invalid.uni.getLaunchOptionsSync
cannot write templateThe Mini App has globalData, which is a simple global variable mechanism.
The following is the relevant configuration of defining globalData in App.vue:
export default {
globalData: {
text: 'text'
getApp().globalData.text = 'test'
While applying onLaunch, the getApp object has not been obtained yet, so you can use this.globalData to obtain globalData temporarily.
If you need to bind the data of globalData to the page, you can reassign variables in the life cycle of the onShow page of the page.
globalData is a simple global variable. If you use state management, please use vuex
(defined in main.js)
In App.vue
, you can define some global common styles. For example, if you need to add a common background color, the animation rendered on the first page can be written in App.vue.
Please note that if there are both vue and nvue files under the project, all css of global style will be applied to all files, while the compiler will give an alarm at the console as the css supported by nvue is limited, indicating that some css cannot be supported in nvue.
@import './common/uni.css';