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# uni.hideKeyboard()

Hide soft keyboard

Hide the displayed soft keyboard. If not displayed, no action occurs.

# uni.onKeyboardHeightChange(CALLBACK)

listen to keyboard height changes

CALLBACK return parameter

Parameter Type Instruction
height Number Keyboard height

Sample code

uni.onKeyboardHeightChange(res => {

# uni.offKeyboardHeightChange(CALLBACK)

Cancel listening to the height variation event of the keyboard

Sample code


# uni.getSelectedTextRange(OBJECT)

Get the cursor position of the input box after focusing on input or textarea, etc. Note: This interface is valid only if being called at focus. Currently, only vue pages are supported

OBJECT parameter description:

Parameter name Type Defaults Required Instruction
success Function No Callback function for successful interface calling
fail Function No Callback function for failed interface calling
complete Function No Callback function for closed interface calling (available both for successful and failed calling)

Success return parameter description:

Attribute Type Instruction
start Number Initial position of the cursor in the input box
end Number End position of the cursor in the input box

Sample code

  success: res => {
    console.log('getSelectedTextRange res', res.start, res.end)
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